SunExpress: ITB Berlin

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It is a budget airline, in this I felt the experience hardly differed from any other budget airline. Aber ich war nicht die Einzige, so ein Chaos beim Check In und anschließend an Bord habe ich noch nicht erlebt.

For a flight of one or one and a half hour this is bearable, for longer flights, to the Canary Island, for example, I can not recommend this airline. Wenn Sie weitersurfen, erachten wir die Verwendung der Cookies als von Ihnen akzeptiert. This seat may be selected for an additional fee.

Seat Map SunExpress Boeing B737 - Sunexpress Deutschland GmbH ist eine deutsche Fluggesellschaft, die im Jahr 2011 als Tochtergesellschaft von Turkish Airlines und Lufthansa gegründet wurde.

There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. Sunexpress xl seats tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. An extra surcharge may be required to book this seat. Sunexpress xl seats is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. sunexpress xl seats The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making sunexpress xl seats armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. sunexpress xl seats There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. Window seat with extra legroom, which was enough for my 1,95m bodylength. The seat has a nice recline. Seats are quite narrow though, resulting in a constant but unintended 'battle of the armrest'. Positioned directly behind a separation screen there is no negative impsct because of the restroom nearby. Note: the map doesn't resemble the exact seatplan. All in all: good value for money. The Extremely small legroom and narrow seats. On the plus side, the overhead compartments seem somewhat larger than on older 737s or comparable Airbus planes. Even though the flight was fully occupied and as usual 80% of passengers seemed to carry their entire residence contents as hand luggage, nobody was forced to stow anything under the front seat as much as I could see. The seats are too small and legspace rediculous short. The passengers in front of us had their seats layed back during the entire flight. Had to crawl over the seats to go to the restroom. Alsi, no hydration unless you payed 3. Trying to upgrade for flight back but have to call Spain to do so. Seats in row 16 are at the emergency exit. They have extra legroom for which you have to pay an extra fee and are worth this fee. Like all other seats, however, they are very thin und practically not chushioned. The seatback offers no support for the spine, the seating aerea is too short, and in result you are not really sunexpress xl seats, but more or less cowering. For a flight of one or one and a half hour this is bearable, for longer flights, to the Canary Island, for example, I can not recommend this airline. Nice plane in with a sunexpress xl seats 'Haribo Goldbär' paintwork and the new 'sky interior' and whith splitted winglets. Seat was great, huge distrance to the seat infront and very comfortable for an economy seat. Service is ok, but you have to pay for everything if you've booked over the website of tuifly.

Sun Express Deutschland 737-800 start up
There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. This seat may be selected for an additional fee. There is no floor storage for this seat during takeoff and landing. They have extra legroom for which you have to pay an extra fee and are worth this fee. The flight was on time and the crew onboard were very nice. SunExpress is a great holiday airline. In cooperation and as a team, the programme and services are tailored to the customers' wishes. Wenn Sie Ihre Punkte lösen oder sammeln, können Sie ein Flug mit Punkten bezahlen. What is not Covered This warranty does not cover defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, or accidents, wear and tear, improper repairs or alterations, or lack of maintenance. There is no overhead locker it is in use for stuff of the airline.